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CAPREO corporate EN: Grilled rib eye of beef with giant white asparagus and oyster butter sauce

Grilled rib eye of beef with giant white asparagus and oyster butter sauce

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Grilled rib eye of beef with giant white asparagus and oyster butter sauce

This recipe is for the meat lovers. Neil Norman presents this wonderful rib eye creation.


  • Ask your butcher to cut you 2 x 140 gr Rib eye of Beef, minimum of 21 days matured.
  • 50 ml of Pomace or olive oil blend.
  • Maldon or Kosher salt for seasoning.
  • 4 shucked medium sized oyster, rinsed in salted water.
  • 80 gr good quality butter, at room temperature.
  • 300 gr Giant white asparagus cleaned and trimmed, par- boiled.
  • 1 x thick bottomed pan or skillet, non stick will work very well.



1. For the Oyster butter, cut the oyster meat into 1-2 cm slivers, and fold into the butter, with some clear cling film, spread out a 10 cm wide, and 10 cm long square on a chopping board.

2. Spoon the butter onto the plastic, then fold the plastic over to the other side, now tie the to sides together. And roll as would like a rolling pin. Until you have a tubular shaped butter roll. Keep in the fridge.

3. For the Rib eye, season the meat generously with the salt, then brush with some olive oil, the pan or skillet needs to be piping hot. The place the meat in the pan carefully, taking care not to burn yourself.

4. Ideally, you want to cook the meat 3 minutes on either side to get a nice crust, and for a rare – medium rare cut. For a medium, add 2 minutes cooking time to either side, but when you turn the steak, half the amount of heat, you want a slightly slower cooking heat.

5. Re-heat the Asparagus in some boiling water for approximately 3 minutes. Season, then place on a large plate.

6. Slice the rib eye into 5 slivers, place this on top of the Asparagus, then top with 2 slices of the butter. Season again with a pinch of salt, and drizzle with remaining olive oil.

7. Alternatively you can garnish the dish with some fresh rocket or chives if you like.

Accompany this great rib eye of beef with a smooth wine like the Dornier Merlot 2007.

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